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Metal Tribute To ABBA

Album details

Album:  Metal Tribute To ABBA
CD:  hddG
Directory:  /Alb/Metal Tribute To ABBA/
Source:  downloaded
Currently we have 6054 files in our database.
We have found 12 matching your search criteria.

File Artist Title Time Size
01. Therion - Summer Night City.mp3TherionSummer Night City5:006.9 MB
02. Metalium - Thank You For The Music.mp3MetaliumThank You For The Music3:264.7 MB
03. Sinergy - Gimme! Gimme Gimme! (A Man Aft.mp3SinergyGimme! Gimme Gimme! (A Man Aft4:246.1 MB
04. At Vance - Money, Money, Money.mp3At VanceMoney, Money, Money3:114.4 MB
06. Paradox - S.O.S.mp3ParadoxS.O.S2:383.6 MB
07. Rough Silk - Take A Chance On Me.mp3Rough SilkTake A Chance On Me4:506.7 MB
08. Spiral Tower - Chiquitita.mp3Spiral TowerChiquitita5:377.7 MB
09. Sargant Fury - Eagle.mp3Sargant FuryEagle4:536.7 MB
10. Flowing Tears - One Of Us.mp3Flowing TearsOne Of Us5:077.0 MB
12. Custard - Super Trouper.mp3CustardSuper Trouper4:206.0 MB
13. Tad Morose - Knowing Me, Knowing You.mp3Tad MoroseKnowing Me, Knowing You3:294.8 MB
14. Glow - Dancing Queen.mp3VariousGlow / Dancing Queen2:293.4 MB


   Total records listed: 12
   Total size of listed files: 67.95 MB
   Total playlist time: 0 days 0 hours 49 minutes 24 seconds
   Average song filesize: 5 798.60 kB
   Average song play-time: 4 minutes 7 seconds

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