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Enigma - Screen behind the mirror

Album details

Album:  Enigma - Screen behind the mirror
Year:  2000
CD:  MaCD19
Directory:  /MUSIC/Albums/Enigma - Screen behind the mirror
Source:  downloaded
Currently we have 6054 files in our database.
We have found 11 matching your search criteria.

File Artist Title Time Size
01 - The gate.mp3EnigmaThe gate2:041.9 MB
02 - Push the limits.mp3EnigmaPush the limits6:265.9 MB
03 - Gravity of love.mp3EnigmaGravity of love3:583.6 MB
04 - Smell of desire.mp3EnigmaSmell of desire4:574.5 MB
05 - Modern crusaders.mp3EnigmaModern crusaders3:503.5 MB
06 - Traces (light and weight).mp3EnigmaTraces (light and weight)4:113.8 MB
07 - The screen behind the mirror.mp3EnigmaThe screen behind the mirror3:583.6 MB
08 - Endless quest.mp3EnigmaEndless quest3:062.8 MB
09 - Camera obscura.mp3EnigmaCamera obscura1:271.3 MB
10 - Between mind & heart.mp3EnigmaBetween mind & heart4:093.8 MB
11 - Silence must be heard.mp3EnigmaSilence must be heard5:194.9 MB


   Total records listed: 11
   Total size of listed files: 39.87 MB
   Total playlist time: 0 days 0 hours 43 minutes 25 seconds
   Average song filesize: 3 711.27 kB
   Average song play-time: 3 minutes 57 seconds

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Enigma - Screen behind the mirror

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