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Cesko hleda superstar - TOP 10

Album details

Album:  Cesko hleda superstar - TOP 10
Year:  2004
CD:  hddG
Directory:  /Alb/Cesko hleda superstar - TOP 10/
Source:  downloaded
Currently we have 6054 files in our database.
We have found 15 matching your search criteria.

File Artist Title Time Size
01-aneta_langerova-letim_ke_hvezdam.mp3Aneta LangerovaLetim ke hvezdam3:045.8 MB
02-martina_balogova-when_i_need_you.mp3Martina BalogovaWhen I Need You6:516.3 MB
03-aneta_langerova-ironic.mp3Aneta LangerovaIronic7:056.5 MB
04-tomas_savka-every_breath_you_take.mp3Tomas SavkaEvery Breath You Take3:356.3 MB
05-petra_pachova-true_colors.mp3Petra PachovaTrue Colors3:486.2 MB
06-petr_polacek-always.mp3Petr PolacekAlways5:219.1 MB
07-sarka_vankova-im_with_you.mp3Sarka VankovaI'm With You3:446.9 MB
08-samer_issa-against_all_odds.mp3Samer IssaAgainst All Odds3:195.4 MB
09-veronika_zankova-un-break_my_heart.mp3Veronika ZankovaUn-Break My Heart4:267.6 MB
10-standa_dolinek-killing_me_softly.mp3Standa DolinekKilling Me Softly4:257.5 MB
11-julian_zahorovsky-laska_jenom_laska.mp3Julian ZahorovskyLaska jenom laska3:317.1 MB
12-top_10-ved_me_dal.mp3Top 10Ved me dal3:546.8 MB
13-top_5-hvezdy.mp3Top 5Hvezdy3:437.2 MB
14-top_10-superstar.mp3Top 10Superstar4:097.3 MB
15-sarka_vankova-letim_ke_hvezdam.mp3Sarka VankovaLetim ke hvezdam3:015.7 MB


   Total records listed: 15
   Total size of listed files: 101.47 MB
   Total playlist time: 0 days 1 hours 3 minutes 56 seconds
   Average song filesize: 6 926.94 kB
   Average song play-time: 4 minutes 16 seconds

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